Health Benefits of Amla (Indian Gooseberry)

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Amla (Indian Gooseberry) is a kind of herbal fruit. The scientific name of Indian gooseberry plant is Phyllanthus emblica or Emblica officinalis. Its taste is slightly bitter and sour at first but sweet after eating. Amla has many medicinal properties. Make it a habit to eat an amla daily. Amla is rich in vitamin C. According to nutrition scientists, Amla contains 3 times and 10 times more vitamin C than guava and lemon. Amla contains 15 to 20 times more vitamin C than oranges, 120 times more than apples, 24 times more than mangoes and 60 times more than bananas.


Instead of eating a pile of vitamin tablets, eat one amla everyday. Regularly you can consume amla as marmalade, pickle and powder. This little amla will do wonders for your body. Let’s know about some benefits of eating an amla daily.


Amla acts as a hair tonic and is an important ingredient in hair care. It not only strengthens the hair roots but also helps in hair growth. It eliminates dandruff problem and prevents gray hair.

upset stomach

Amla juice can relieve the problem of constipation and piles. It also helps prevent stomach upset and indigestion. You can mix amla powder and little sugar in a glass of water and take it twice a day. It will help to reduce the acidity problem. Amla pickle with food helps in digestion.

Woman eye

Amla juice helps to improve eyesight. Also, prevent various eye problems such as eye inflammation. Relieves the problem of itchy or watery eyes. Amla is beneficial for maintaining good eyes. It contains phytochemicals that help prevent eye-related degeneration.


Also, drink amla juice daily to remove bad breath and keep teeth strong. Honey mixed with amla juice can be consumed every morning. It will remove the dark spots of the skin and increase its brightness of the skin.

Helps to shed unnecessary body fat. Increases the number of red blood cells and keeps teeth and nails healthy.

Its antioxidant content helps to prevent free radicals. Free radicals are one of the causes of aging and cell degeneration.

amla powder

To enhance taste and appetite, mix a little honey and butter with amla powder and eat before eating. It boosts the immune system and reduces stress.

alma juice for skin and hair

Amla juice is helpful for phlegm, vomiting, insomnia, and pain. Amla juice is useful for bronchitis and asthma. Works very well in relieving cold and cough, stomach ache and anemia.

Keeps the body cool increases body performance, and strengthens muscles. It strengthens the heart, lungs and strengthens the brain. Amla pickle or jam removes brain and heart weakness.

amla for diabetes

Helps prevent diabetes by keeping blood sugar level under control. It also helps significantly in keeping cholesterol levels low.

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